Reference no: EM132613391
Answer the following questions, giving reason for the same in one or two points
1. Venture capital would like to have exit option as a part of their financing process
2. Venture capital is more broad-based in their financing business than in the past
3. The investors into a VCF allocates only a portion of their portfolio for investment into VCF for high risk and high returns
4. VCF was not investing in IT sector in the past say till the last decade of the last century
5. VCF does not do much investment in India at the stage of incubation or angel investment; they fund right from the stage of startup only.
6. The rate of failure of VC investment in India is significantly less than developed nations
7. VC is also private equity but VC and private equity differ from each other
8. VCF always participates in management of the enterprise they are funding 9. VCF as an exit option would not prefer the owners of the enterprise to buy back the VC investment which they treat as the last option
10. In the case discussed for the faculty not recommending taking up the VC enterprise in Bangalore by Pune clients what are the two main reasons for the same?