Reference no: EM132224041
Giving bad news to a job applicant
You are the hiring manager for a mid-sized company. You have narrowed the applicants for a managerial position to two: (1) a 22-year-old college graduate who interned at a different division of your company two summers ago but has no additional industry experience and (2) a 48-year-old MBA with over 20 years of experience related to your industry. Although the older candidate is better qualified, your budget restrictions will not allow you to meet the older candidate’s salary requirements. Whom do you hire? Indicate the medium you would choose and draft a bad-news message to one of the applicants.
This week, you will once again apply the ACE process -- this time to a "Bad News" message.
1) Read and respond to the scenario above. Giving bad news to a job applicant.
2) At the end of your letter after your name, scroll down several lines and then write two paragraphs in which you include the following:
Paragraph One: Purpose/Audience/Information
What is the purpose of the message?
What do you want the outcome to be?
Who is the audience?
What do they need to know or understand to produce your desired outcome?
Paragraph Two: Medium
Is letter the best medium for this message? Why or why not?
If not, what would you choose and why?