Give their telephone numbers using one or more letters

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13165824

C# programming you need to use a for loop to created this program...people sometimes give their telephone numbers using one or more letters. write a program that accespts a 10 digit telephone number that may contain one or more letters. display the corresponding number using numerlas. the numbers and letters are associted as follows on your telephone: abc:2 def:3 ghi:4 jkl:5 mno:6 pqrs:7 tuv:8 wxyz:9 if the user enters a charater thats not on the telephone as part of the number you need to display a message saying that the value entered dose not mach a number. then allow both upper and lower case letters to be entered please use comments in your code

Reference no: EM13165824

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