Give the response in false or true

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131097654

4. Which of the following statements about theme is false?

We usually have to infer the author's central idea from the story.
The author usually tells us the theme at the end of the story.
Theme is the basic message an author is trying to portray in a story.
There can be more than one theme in a piece of literature.
5.  Which point of view is being used if the narrator (outside the story) relates the thoughts and feelings of only one character in a story?
third person objective
third person omniscient
third person limited
first person
6.  What are the two main types of conflict a main character might encounter in a story?
natural and unnatural
exposition and resolution
rising and falling
internal and external
  "Magic and the Night River" 

Choose the best multiple-choice answers for the following questions about the short story "Magic and the Night River."
7.  By the end of the story, how does Kano feel about Yoshi's grandfather?
He decides that he is too old to fish on his boat.
He has gained respect for this gentle fisherman.
He wants to take fishing lessons from him.
He is disappointed that he didn't catch more fish.
8.  What does Yoshi think will happen in the future?
He and his grandfather will look for another boat to rent.
He and his grandfather will buy all Kano's boats.
He and his grandfather will set up a tourist attraction.
He and his grandfather will continue fishing with many birds.
9.  What is the significance of the title "Magic and the Night River"?
Yoshi's grandfather's cormorants are "tied" to him as if by magic.
Kano's cormorants magically come back to him after being let free.
Yoshi and his grandfather entertain tourists with magic tricks.
The fishermen are able to light lamps on the water as if by magic.
10.  What happens out on the water that amazes Yoshi and his grandfather the most?
The freed birds come back to their boat.
Yoshi is able to untangle the cords.
Kano lets his birds fly away.
They catch more fish than Kano.
11.  What does Yoshi see as "another kind of magic" in the last paragraph?
He grows stronger while his grandfather grows weaker.
His grandfather knows each bird by name.
His grandfather will be able to train eight new birds.
Kano is going to let them continue to rent the boat.
12.  What unexpected conflict arises out on the water?
Yoshi's grandfather loses all his cormorants.
Yoshi's and his grandfather's cords get tangled with another boat's.
Kano begins yelling across the water at Yoshi's grandfather.
Yoshi almost drowns after losing his balance and falling in the water.
13.  What are Yoshi's feelings about his grandfather?
He wishes he would stand up to Kano.
He thinks he is the greatest master fisherman.
He wishes he were younger and quicker.
He is sad that they don't communicate very well.
  Find the correct way to use numbers in the following sentences.
14.  At ______________, the children next door began riding bikes under my window.
7:00 am
seven am
15.  Isn't the speed limit _____________ on that back road?
thirty-five mph
35 mph
16.  The science class is for all students ages __________________.
nine to fifteen
nine to 15
17.  ___________ members of the band showed up to serenade me on my birthday.
18.  My uncle lived in the Middle East during the ______________.
nineteen seventies
  "Through the Tunnel"

Choose the best multiple-choice answers for the following questions about the short story "Through the Tunnel."
19.  In "Through the Tunnel," how does Jerry change throughout the course of the story?
He matures from a frustrated little boy to a confident young man.
He is full of self-doubt until he teaches himself to swim and gains confidence in his abilities.
He is shy when he first meets the older boys; later, he is bold when he encounters them again.
He begins his vacation believing in himself and leaves frustrated because of his weaknesses.
20.  Which of the following is not a conflict Jerry faces in "Through the Tunnel"?
The internal conflict of overcoming fear of the unknown.
The external conflict of extreme peer pressure.
The external conflict of underwater dangers.
The internal conflict of wanting to assert independence.
21.  What is a valid theme statement for "Through the Tunnel"?
Without parental supervision, a young person can get into a lot of trouble.
It's important for young people to take time to get away from their busy routines and just relax.
There comes a time in a young person's life when he/she wishes to enter the adult world.
Everyone should take time to study and enjoy the beauties of nature.
22.  Which point of view is used in "Through the Tunnel"?
third person omniscient
third person limited
first person
third person objective
  "Raymond's Run" 

Choose the best multiple-choice answers for the following questions about the short story "Raymond's Run."
23.  Why does Toni Cade Bambara call her story "Raymond's Run"?
The story centers around how people in Hazel's town try to run Raymond's life.
The title is symbolic because Raymond runs his sister's life by taking up all her free time.
In the story, Raymond is able to enter the twenty-yard dash in the May Day races and almost wins.
Hazel's sudden insight that Raymond is a good runner is a highlight of the story.
24.  Which two words best describe Hazel Parker (Squeaky)?
nonjudgemental and shy
genuine and confident
timid and patient
neglectful and idle
25.  In which of the following situations would Hazel feel most comfortable?
playing the part of a wolf in a school
entering her smile in a photo contest
hugging her brother Raymond in public
dancing around a May pole in a white dress
26.  Which of the following statements is the best theme of the story?
Don't be overly confident in yourself.
Be honest and worthy of respect.
Avoid conflict with others at all costs.
Exercise your imagination frequently.
27.  How does Hazel show her love for her brother Raymond in the story?
entering him in the May Day races
telling him "I love you" every day
coaching him every day in his running
constantly watching out for his well-being
28.  From what we can gather, how does Raymond feel about his sister?
He is indifferent towards her.
He is frustrated by her constant attentiveness.
He feels that she neglects and avoids him.
He admires her and wants to be like her.
29.  Which of the following is something that bothers Hazel?
fist fights
showing off
30.  Why is Hazel jumping up and down after the race?
She is excited to see Raymond and can't wait to coach him.
She realizes that with practice she could enter the Olympics.
She is extremely excited that she beat Gretchen P. Lewis.
She can't wait to get another ribbon to add to her collection.
  "Gift of the Magi" 

Choose the best multiple-choice answers for the following questions about the short story "Gift of the Magi."
31.  Which of the following pieces of advice would be a good theme statement for "The Gift of the Magi"?
Don't be afraid to take big steps. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps. - David Lloyd George
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. - Og Mandino
Always be a little kinder than necessary. - James M. Barrie
Don't carry a grudge. While you're carrying the grudge the other's guy's out dancing. - Buddy Hackett
32.  According to O. Henry, who are the wisest gift givers?
Those who secretly give gifts to the ones they love.
Those who find out what a loved one wants before shopping.
Those who budget and spend their money cautiously.
Those who are willing to sacrifice for a loved one.
33.  Which of the following would O. Henry say is the most valuable possession?
34.  What is ironic about "The Gift of the Magi"?
Jim's paycheck has been reduced to twenty dollars a week, rather than thirty dollars a week.
Della and Jim sacrifice greatly in order to buy gifts that can't be used.
Della goes to get her hair cut and receives as much as Jim earns in a week.
Della thinks she looks like a Coney Island chorus girl with her short hair.
35.  What does O. Henry mean when he says that people like Jim and Della "are the magi"?
They dress up like the magi in Christmas pageants.
They are wise because their lives are guided by love.
They have read a lot about the magi and the East.
They find joy in traveling - searching for their dreams.
36.  Match the following terms with their appropriate meanings.
1. a fine paid to those in power
2. without name
3. a condition of old age where bones become fragile
4. without feeling
5. a wealthy person who supports as would a father
a. anonymous
b. patron
c. osteoperosis
d. apathy
e. tribute

Reference no: EM131097654

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