Give the highest test score and the name of the students

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1334485

I need a C++ program that reads students' names followed by their test scores. The program should output each student's name followed by the test scores and the relevant grade. It should also find and print the highest test score and the name of the students having the highest test score.

Student data should be stored in a struct variable of the type studentType, which has four components: studentFName and studentLName of the type string, testScore of the type int (testScore is between 0 and 100), and grade of the type char. My class has 20 students. Use an array of 20 components of the type studentType.

The program must contain at least the following functions:
a.) A function to read the students' data into the array.
b.) A function to assign the relevant grade to each student.
c.) A function to find the highest test score.
d.) A function to print the names of the students having the highest test score.

The program must output each student's name in this form: last name followed by a comma, followed by a space, followed by the first name, and the name must be leftjustified. Moreover, other than declaring the variables and opening the input and output files, the function main should only be a collection of function calls.

In addition I need to output the execution result to a file say a possibility could be (C:Prorgram FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVC8> and I also need to be able output the result to the screen and capture the screen shot of the execution result.

Reference no: EM1334485

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