Give answers question about e-marketing strategies

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Reference no: EM1326568

Give answers Question about E-Marketing Strategies

Topic/Themes: FINAL PROJECT- E-Marketing Plan


A Plan Projecting a Variety of E-Marketing Strategies for a Hypothetical or Real Company or Organization

The purpose of this project is to create an Internet marketing strategy plan for a product OR service: something that is sold entirely on the Internet such as software, music, or services such as information, planning, consulting, etc. Do not market a product or service that has physical bricks and mortar outlets (for instance, Gap stores which sell clothing in addition to the cyber-stores You can invent a company or service: it is the MARKETING PLAN sections that I will evaluate, analyze and grade, not your business idea.

On and Off-line marketing strategies must also be addressed, such as promoting traffic through radio and television ads (review your homework readings for innovative ideas!) Promoting services, not just goods or products, are very hot this year: for instance, Dr. Rife markets her grant proposal writing services on-line, while other organizations such as Amnesty International market their human rights work, subscription services and many other features of their non-profit organization. Use your creativity!

The marketing plan should be no more than 8 pages double-spaced, and please use no less than a 12 point font. You should use charts and graphs which take up NO more than a 1/3 page and cite readings which have been assigned this semester, please. Grading Criteria and a checklist will be provided during the week your Outlines are due. The E-Marketing plan must include the following sections:


This section should be no more than a page. The purpose of an executive summary is to give a very condensed version of your proposed e-marketing plan of action in order that extremely busy managers can get a sense of your proposal without reading the entire document. This section is not an introduction, but rather should give a brief overview of each component of your marketing strategy. WRITE THIS LAST -- don't summarize until you complete the entire plan! Follow the headings (see grading criteria) for each section of the plan -- simply summarize them.


Keep this brief!

This section should explain who your hypothetical or real organization or company is and provide a detailed explanation of what is being marketed. Give a brief overview of the company, its size and product line or service offered to the public. Explain what the product is, how it works, what its current market positioning is, and how the product or service will produce revenue. If it is a web-based service you are marketing, revenue may be produced through selling advertising as well as sale of the hourly or consulting services. I'm not looking for revenue projections here -- any Marketing Plan reader wants to know, when reading the 'Product/Service Overview', about the proposed profitability of this service or product.


Who is the product or service targeted to in terms of age, gender, income level and any other demographic characteristics that may be relevant? What marketing research methods (surveys, etc.) will you utilize? You must conduct actual demographic research and summarize this data, using proper citation formats. Sub-headings for this section must be: TARGETED DEMOGRAPHICS and MARKET RESEARCH STRATEGIES. See grading criteria for points given for each section.


How will you promote your product or service over the Internet? How will you drive traffic to the site via offline advertising and promotions? What are the differences between free promos and ads for your company? When utilizing SUB-HEADINGS in this section of the plan, you should detail on-line and off-line strategies. The sections will be:




All factual information in the E-marketing plan need to be backed up by sources which should be referenced in the text in accordance with the citation standards in the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (required by UMUC). All good marketing strategies are based upon solid, current research, and it is required that you cite readings assigned this semester as well as your own graduate-level research finding

Reference no: EM1326568

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