Give an overview of the companys responses

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131675937


You are an intern at Company X, and your boss wants the company's executives to be versed in corporate crisis communication. She has given each of you a crisis to research and present to the C-suite team in a "teaching" context.

Your task:

Introduce the details of the crisis you've been assigned. Make sure your audience understands what happened SPECIFICALLY (who, what, when where, why, and how). Explain why the incident is a crisis.

Give an overview of the company's responses to the situation (e.g., these can be company statements, correspondence, published materials, TV commercials, online [web] responses, etc.). Be specific. If possible, show examples of the responses, good or bad.

Conclude by arguing the one most appropriate action that the company took and the one most inappropriate action, as well as the "takeaways" we can get from those actions - what is important for your audience (Company X's executives) to understand about the crisis response of the company you studied? What could the company have done instead?

Reference no: EM131675937

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