Give a minimum of two examples discussed in the video

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Reference no: EM133677643

Assignment: EdU Child, Family, and Community

Part 1

Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children


Teachers encounter families who are or have encountered adversity in the form of high level stress. High levels of stress can impact a child's lifelong health and well-being. As an educator, there are many ways to support children and families to help prevent early childhood stress.


View the video: " Breaking Through: Understand Stress and Resilience in Young Children"
After completing the above answer the five questions:

1) Describe your reaction to the video. Reflect on how it made you think and feel.

2) Define ACE's and list three discussed in the video. Have you worked with children and families with any of these ACE's? If so, share your experience. How can we support children and families who have experienced or are experiencing toxic stress?

3) Why is it important that those in the medical field make it a mandatory practice to ask patients about ACE's and implement a dual generational approach when assessing patients?

4) Explain what it means that toxic stress is a chronic disease in young children. Give a minimum of two examples discussed in the video.

5) Discuss how Operation Breakthrough partners with Head Start and other community resources to help children and families be resilient when faced with ACE's and toxic stress.

Each question is answered with a minimum of five sentences.

Examples and information pertain to the video: " Breaking Through: Understand Stress and Resilience in Young Children"


"Breaking Through: Understand Stress and Resilience in Young Children".

Website for Operation Breakthrough in Kansas City, Mo.

Part 2

Persona: Razae

The video: "Breaking Through: Understand Stress and Resilience in Young Children" viewed for the assignment : Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children provided information on ACE's( adverse childhood experiences) and information on chronic toxic stress. Children experiencing ACEs in early childhood are significantly more likely to have below-average kindergarten academic and literacy achievement. They were also more likely to exhibit behavior problems in kindergarten. The good news here is emerging research suggests that when students have access to positive relationships with adults, the benefits outweigh the adversity. As an educator, there are many ways to support children and families to help prevent early childhood stress.

Read the provided persona on Razae. Reflect back on the information in the video: Breaking Through: Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young

After completing the above discuss the following:

1) What ACE's has Razae encountered in his young life? Describe them.

2) Describe how Razae is showing signs of being resilience.

3) Discuss a community resource from the county you reside in that you would connect with to assist Razae if you were his teacher. How would this community resource assist Razae and those adults in his "village."

Research further information on ACE's and toxic stress on young children. Even though Razae is only 12 months, old, early intervention is important. Focus on finding strategies that you as a teacher and positive adult figure in Razaes life, can implement to support the family in helping him be prepared for kindergarten. Target community resources that can assist in this endeavor. Cite where you found your information, so other students can review the information.

Persona: Razae: Razae is 12 months old and has been placed in foster care since he was four months old. He was prenatally exposed to drugs and was placed in foster care because of domestic violence in the home. Emma and Andrew are the young couple who are providing foster care for the first time. Razae is a very sweet, rambunctious boy who enjoys music and movement. He's also a great sleeper. Razae has learned how to walk, makes a variety of sounds, and is imitating others' language consistently. Based on developmental delays in several domains, Razae qualified for and is receiving home-based early intervention services. He was slow to attach to his foster parents but is now bonding through play and enjoying skin to skin contact and other attachment-based activities. These are areas that were goals in Razae's Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). He is thriving in this placement. Razae still visits his maternal grandmother and there is talk of placing him with her in the future.

Part 3

Look at your text section 5.3 "Cognitive Milestones" and watch or re-watch the video on Vygotsky located under Week 6 module. Now I'd like you to think about how understanding how infants and toddlers typically develop might be able to help teachers' "scaffold" a child's learning. Do you think this can apply to children as young as infants or toddlers? Be specific, using examples of activities that a teacher could use to help a child achieve certain milestones. Do you agree with Vygotsky that adults/teachers are important to a child in achieving these milestones? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133677643

Questions Cloud

Demonstrate the ability to create a project : Demonstrate ability to create a project that uses research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with intended audience.
Would you expect the problem of managers substituting : Would you expect the problem of managers' substituting their personal goals for organizational goals to be more acute in a university, labor union
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Differences between male and female sexual response : What are the three similarities and three differences between male and female sexual response that you believe are the most important? Explain your answers.
Give a minimum of two examples discussed in the video : Explain what it means that toxic stress is a chronic disease in young children. Give a minimum of two examples discussed in the video.
What are major insights about standard nursing terminology : What are the major insights about standard nursing terminology?
Research potential complication of cathy using lavender eo : Research the potential complication(s) of Cathy using lavender EO. What did you find?
Description of the management structure in the organization : Detailed description of the management structure in the organization of which your unit is a part of, the nurse manager roles and behaviors.
What strategy you use to teach foundational reading skills : What are some strategies you use to teach foundational reading skills (concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency) to ELLs?


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