Gillettes product development process

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133654495


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 17: Personal Selling and Sales Management and Chapter 18: Pricing for International Markets and Case 3-7: Gillette: The 11-Cent Razor, India, and Reverse Innovation in the textbook. As indicated in your textbook, the price of a product or service can be the key to success or failure. In an initial post of at least 300 words, you will Contrast razor consumers in the United States with razor consumers in India. Explain the differences in Gillette's product development process for the Gillette Guard from previous product development processes. Evaluate whether the Gillette Guard should be released in the United States. Assess if the Gillette Guard should be marketed in low-income countries other than India. Describe how this reflects Gillette's selling and pricing strategy in the global marketplace.

Reference no: EM133654495

Questions Cloud

Overexposed in impressionable childhood : Many managers are overexposed in impressionable childhood years to the story in which the imprisoned,
Created to measure the community sense of security : A survey would be created to measure the community's sense of security. how safe do you feel in your community?
Operates malls and shopping centers around the country : Fairfield Centers, Inc. operates malls and shopping centers around the country.
Create report-about the most successful product of company : Can you please talk about your chosen company's background, history and area of business operation? Can you share about the most successful product of company.
Gillettes product development process : Explain the differences in Gillette's product development process for the Gillette Guard from previous product development processes.
Consumer protection Financial privacy : Consumer protection Financial privacy protection Healthcare privacy protection Financial institutions.
Section of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act : The section of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that requires companies to give individuals the right to opt-out of some information sharing is known as
Find three products offered in any of the markets : Find three products offered in any of the markets linked that you believe are significantly distinct from those offered here in the United States.
Big public relations agency : Let's say you are working at a big public relations agency, and you've been looking for new ways to contribute to your company.


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