Reference no: EM133142144
GEOS809 Igneous-Metamorphic Geology Methods and Processes Assignment - University of Wollongong
Assessment - 'Igmetia'
This sheet gives you the background concerning your task in assessment the land 'Igmetia' borders upon an oceanic realm to the west. Previously, another geologist mapped the fringe of Igmetia and the islands to the west. However, some of the information has been lost, as was the report the geologist produced. Your task is to use the available resources to reconstruct the geological history of the region - particularly tied to geodynamic settings. You findings and synthesis will be condensed into a short PowerpointTM presentation. This will not be given to the whole class, but instead just marked by Allen Nutman. The template for your presentation is in the Moodle site.
Your terms of reference/tasks are as follows:
(i) For all rock types, classify them and establish their origin, including plate tectonic setting. This is done by constructing an east-west cross section from the map, then integrating the field mapping, outcrop photographs, recognition and description of the thin sections and whole rock geochemistry.
(ii) Integrate all this information into a geological synthesis (oldest at bottom, to the youngest), including the detailed plate tectonic setting(s). This should include completing the legend on the map.
The findings for components (i) and (ii) are then to be condensed into a simple 14 page.
Assessment is built around a hypothetical island 'Igmetia'. In this Covid year, it is a substitute for undertaking a 'real' field trip. This assessment covers an appreciation of igneous and metamorphic geology, via integration of information from the 'theory' lectures, thin section and hand specimen studies and manipulating and interpreting geochemical data. It is designed so that it can be done over many weeks, rather than in a single burst of activity.
Attachment:- Igneous-Metamorphic Geology Methods Assignment Files.rar