Reference no: EM133542781
George is a 67-year-old gentleman who resides in the aged care facility where you are employed. George has a below knee right amputation from a motor vehicle accident 10 years ago.
The facility you work in provides a holistic approach to each resident's health and employs a team of allied health professionals including an occupational therapist, a dietician, a physiotherapist, a social worker, and a podiatrist.
As part of your daily routine, you are asked to weigh George and document the outcome. You notice George has lost 3.4kg since he was weighed one month ago. Recently you have noticed George missing from the dining room at mealtimes.
You ask George if everything is okay and provide an opportunity for him to discuss any concerns. George tells you he has lost the top part of his dentures and therefore cannot chew food adequately; he has been avoiding going to the dining room as he is embarrassed. George tells you he is concerned how much a new set of dentures would cost, the cost of getting a taxi to the dentist and therefore hasn't told anyone about the problem.
1. Who would you report your concerns to about George?
2. Which members of the allied health team would you approach to address the issues George has raised?
3. List two strategies could you put in place to support George while he is waiting for a dental appointment.