Geographical spread of your potential participants

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13803462

Qualitative research designs :

In this section, four major types of qualitative research design are outlined. They are:

1) phenomenology
2) ethnography
3) grounded theory
4) case study

The author gives four research problem examples and asks you to determine the most appropriate qualitative method for each problem. Pose a problem related to your work environment that would be appropriate for qualitative research, and determine the most appropriate qualitative method. Explain briefly why would you use that technique.

Methods of collecting qualitative data:

Qualitative approaches to data collection usually involve direct interaction with individuals on a one to one basis or in a group setting. Data collection methods are time consuming and consequently data is collected from smaller numbers of people than would usually be the case in quantitative approaches such as the questionnaire survey. The benefits of using these approaches include richness of data and deeper insight into the phenomena under study.

In the author discusses interviews, focus groups, and observation. Suppose you want to use a focus group for the problem. Briefly answer the following:

1) What is the geographical spread of your potential participants?

2) Are there any specific inclusion criteria for selecting participants? Is so, briefly explain the criteria.

3) Where or how could you obtain a list of potential participants?

4) Are there preexisting groups and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using those groups

Reference no: EM13803462

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