Reference no: EM133063385 , Length: 9 pages
GEOG 1101 Human Geography - Kwantkn Polytechnic University
Assignment Basics
Research Paper
Length: About 8 pages (maximum 9 pages including visuals and tables) of double-spaced typed text, 12-point font and one-inch margin from all sides. The reference list can be separate (not included in 9 pages). Marks will be deducted if you do not follow these formats/instructions in your paper.
Description/Purpose of Assignment
In this assignment, you will critically examine a human geography topidissue focusing on any geographical region or country of the world. The geographical extent is open (e.g. local, regional, national or global) and the topic can discuss any aspect of human geography (e.g. population, settlement, agriculture, economy, urbanization, globalization, culture, resources, tourism, environment, etc.). Since the geographic extent and themes are open, this should give you considerable room to select a topic of your interest. A simple description is not good enough; you need to critically analyze the topic/issue of your interest in the field of human geography.
Recommendations/ Guidelines 1 ) Finding a suitable topic
The first step in working on this assignment is finding a suitable topic to write your research paper. In some respect, this is the most challenging and important stage of the process because everything else stems from finding an appropriate topic. Scan the television and newspapers-both paper and online sources-and keep your eyes open for news or issues that are interesting to you. If you don't know where to start, look at the table of contents from your textbook which should provide you a number of possible topics/themes which you might want to consider. I am also available at this stage to help you in selecting an appropriate topic for this assignment.
2) Doing your research
Once you have determined what topic you will work on, your next step is to examine various sources of information on the topic. The key with your research effort is to access a variety of information sources such as magazines, newspapers, news broadcasts, movies, and academic sources including journal articles and books_ As you do your research, be sure to take notes as necessary and to write down the full, bibliographic reference for your information sources. You will need the latter when you type up your reference list that shows all of the sources of the ideas and facts that you have used in your research paper. By the end of the research process, you should be able to draft up a clear outline for your paper.
Research paper
In general, your paper should be structured according to the following schema, which we will discuss more in detail in one of our classes very soon:
1 ) Introduction (about I page)
This section introduces the specific topic or issue you have selected for the paper, and outlines the goal and objectives of your research paper. The key in this section is to introduce the topic, outline the main objectives, and mention why this topic or issue is important, without going into excessive detail-leave the latter for the body of the paper which will follow.
2) Body (5-6 pgs.)
In this section you will present the information you have gleaned from your research on the topic. At this point, you are to keep your analysis descriptive and also present the data if available on the topic or issue you are investigating. You will have the opportunity to present your evaluation and opinions in the conclusion part of the paper. The purpose of this section is simply to present the background information on the topic or issue that will help the reader better understand what is going on. As you organize and write this section, you may want to make use of sub-headings and paragraphs to organize the information topically.
3) Conclusion/Recommendations (1-2 pgs.)
In this section of the paper you will briefly summarize the main findings of your analysis, and provide your evaluation of what is going on. Avoid introducing any new topic in this section, but you could provide your own recommendations to improve the situation. However, if you want to use this section to also discuss some future directions that the topic/issue is taking, feel free to add this information with documented sources.
4) References/Works Cited (I-2 pgs.) APA style is preferred, but any other standard style should be fine.
At the end of your writing, you should list in detail all the materials and sources that you have used in your research paper. As a requirement of this assignment, you should use at least five academic/refereed sources (excluding the textbook and my lecture notes) which I will explain in the class. For your information., Wikipedia is not considered as an academic source, In case of online sources, make sure to write the source name, web address and date of access.
As you write the paper, keep all your outlines, rough notes, and drafts on hand as evidence in your favour in the unlikely event that you are accused of plagiarism. This is a good policy not only in this class, but all of your university courses in which there is a research assignment. During the research and writing process, I am available (with enough advance notice before the due date) to guide you in selecting an appropriate topic and main points for the body part of your paper. However, I will provide only general feedback on the content and will not perform a detailed proof reading of your work.
Attachment:- Human Geography.rar