Genotype of the gamete

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1383523

You have also identified a third recessive mutation that you call crimson. Wasps homozygous for crimson have a red abdomen. (Wild-type abdomens are yellow.)

You make pure-breeding crimson (cc) and triple-mutant (apricot, blunt, crimson) lines. To map the three loci, you perform a trihybrid (three-point) testcross: You first crosscrimson wasps with (apricot, blunt) wasps to make an F1, and then you testcross the F1 with the triple-mutant line.

The F2 has eight phenotypes. For each F2 phenotype, determine the genotype of the gamete it received from the F1 trihybrid.

Complete the table by dragging the labels to the correct targets. Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

286_genotype of the gamete.png

Reference no: EM1383523

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