Reference no: EM13859356
In this project you will create a generic binary tree using Java Generics.
Create a generic class called BinTree. BinTree will use nodes that store a value of the generic type to store its contents. This tree will not be a search tree (no ordering of nodes by value).
It should have the following methods. The methods should all operate on the object making the call (none are static).
Perform checking of the parameters and throw exceptions where appropriate.
a) add
Adds a node to the tree as described in the example below.
Will only add leaf nodes. Ignores duplicates.
The add operation will work by receiving a string, as shown in the following example:
myTree.add("L", "50");
myTree.add("R", "150");
myTree.add("LL", "40");
myTree.add("LLR", "45");
The resulting tree should look like this:
/ \
50 150
b) find
Returns true if value passed is in the tree.
c) remove
Removes the node having the passed value. Only leaves may be removed.
d) Swap
Swaps children of node having the passed value.
e) Mirror
Makes the tree a mirror image of the original tree.
For the tree above:
100 100
/ \ / \
50 150 --> 150 50
/ \
40 40
\ /
45 45
f) RotateRight
Performs a single rotation on the node having the passed value.
If a RotateRight on 100 is performed:
100 50
/ \ / \
50 150 --> 40 100
/ \ \
40 45 150
g) RotateLeft
As above but left rotation.
h) CountNodes
Recursively traverses the tree and returns the count of nodes.
i) Print
Prints node values using an inorder traversal.