Generation of homozygous or heterozygous

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1313028

1) This is the F1 generation in the Mendelian terms. Whether this generation homozygous or heterozygous? What color would its beans be (in other words, what is its phenotype)? Will they all be the same? Why or why not?

Whether you think your scenario could occur in a real population?

Signify this by taking one of your F1 individuals and separating its alleles. How different types of the gametes can this individual make? Will they be in equal proportions? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM1313028

Questions Cloud

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Computation of arc elasticity of demand : Suppose that this price cut was completely responsible for its raise in revenues from 460 million yen in 1966 to 640 million yen in 1967. Compute the indicated arc elasticity of demand.
Generation of homozygous or heterozygous : This is the F1 generation in the Mendelian terms. Whether this generation homozygous or heterozygous? What color would its beans be (in other words, what is its phenotype)?
Show the classify costs associated with manufacturing firms : Classify Costs associated with manufacturing firms, merchandising firms or service firms
Computation of elasticity of demand : What elasticity of demand did the Village Administrator seem to assume here in his prediction for 1970- 1971? Compute the approximate elasticity of demand (round off, two decimal places is close enough).
Find the financial break-even quanity : Calculation of cash break-even quantity and financial break-even quantity and find the financial break-even quanity
What is the product cost of training a student : What is the product cost of providing one evening of instruction for all students and What is the product cost of training a student over the entire course?


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