Generating a class known as point

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1310727

1) In the elementary mathematics of the 2-dimensions, every point on the plane (or paper or screen, if you like) may be represented by a pair of numbers, (x, y), where x tells you horizontal location of the point and y tells you the vertical location. The values are relative to some "origin" (0,0). So (3.1, 0) is the point 3.1 units to the right of the origin, and (-3.6, 5) is the point 3.6 units to the left of the origin and 5 units above it. This permits us to label each point in plane with a unique (x , y) coordinate pair. The two numbers, x and y, are known as the coordinates of the point.

Generate a class known as Point which has following private members:

a) Float x - x-coordinate of point.

b) Float y - y-coordinate of point.

Point must also consists of the following points:

Private static MIN_VAL and MAX_VAL - that are initialized to -10.0 and +10.0, respectively. These will represent the legal range of both the x and y coordinates for all points in class. It is significant that these be static values since all objects will share the same range limits.
If you want, you may let x and y (and the two statics) be doubles. If you do, adjust data types of the corresponding members below to be compatible with your choice.

2) Assume you have found a core technology which you wish to license in order to develop and sell the applications within your industry. Additionally to the technology, what would you want to have transferred under the license agreement?

Reference no: EM1310727

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