Generates useful word lists for scrabble players

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565590

Scrabble Help: The file dictionary.txt contains all of the words in the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, Second Edition. (Note this list contains some offensive language.)

This requires a class, WordLists, in Java that generates useful word lists for scrabble players using this list.

The class should contain the following methods:
WordLists(String fileName): a constructor that takes the name of the dictionary file as the only parameter.
lengthN(int n): returns an ArrayList of words (Strings) of length n.

startsWith(int n, char firstLetter): returns an ArrayList of words of length n beginning with the letter firstLetter
containsLetter(int n, char included): returns an ArrayList of words of length n containing the letter included but not beginning with it.

*multiLetter(int m, char included): returns an ArrayList of words with at least m occurrences of the letter included.

Use the included template for your file. A test class must be written for the WordLists class that tries these methods out and writes the word lists (the ArrayLists of strings) to text files.

Attachment:- WordLists.rar

Reference no: EM131565590

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