Reference no: EM13161152
Virtually all computers provide a mechanism by which other modules (I/O, memory) may interrupt the normal sequencing of the processor. Most common classes of interrupts.
Program: Generated by some condition that occurs as a result of an instruction execution, such as arithmetic overflow, division by zero, attempt to execute an illegal machine instruction, and reference outside a user's allowed memory space.
Timer: Generated by a timer within the processor. This allows the operating system to perform certain functions on a regular basis.
I/O: Generated by an I/O controller, to signal normal completion of an operation or to signal a variety of error conditions.
Hardware failure: Generated by a failure, such as power failure or memory parity error.
Interrupts are provided primarily as a way to improve processor utilization.
Write an example for which the use of interrupt is enhances the utilization of processor. and please explain it
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Generated by some condition that occurs as a result
: Program: Generated by some condition that occurs as a result of an instruction execution, such as arithmetic overflow, division by zero, attempt to execute an illegal machine instruction, and reference outside a user's allowed memory space.
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