Reference no: EM132224197
Four Basic Codingame Projects
Preparatory Instructions:
Create a free account on CodinGame
- Note: this site sells data to head-hunters: you may want to use your spam-mail address
When you are logged in, navigate to the Training section, and select the category "Classic Puzzle - Easy" from the drop-down initialized to "All Puzzles" (Note: some of these steps may be unnecessary for new accounts)
Instructions for Problem #1:
- Choose the Onboarding tutorial. The tutorial will lead you through the interface. It will suggest you choose a programming language from a drop-down menu in the top-right frame. Choose Java.
- An initial Details screen will give general information about the scenario. Click the "Solve It" button to open the programming/IDE interface.
- Simple pseudocode beneath the graphical playback window (labeled: "The Goal") will indicate to you how to solve problem #1 -- Onboarding. Most of the Java code is already written for you. You are only shown the Java program's main() method, which is all you should ever need.
- Note that the solutions to all the problems in Codingame consist of simply printing out a string of one (or more) values. It remains to you to simply add some common decision- or programming-structures to generate the correct string-expression to print. You may use the Java Quick Reference (or any other online Java resource you prefer) indicated below to determine how to implement your needed structure(s) in Java.
General Instructions:
Implement the following projects in Java on codingame:
1. Onboarding
2. Power of Thor
3. Temperatures (non-graphical feedback)
4. Mars Lander - Level 1
For each project:
A. Carefully read the instructions provided for the project
B. Generate Java code to solve the given problem
Note: this should involve simply printing a particular string within the provided while-loop!
Note2: I like this quick-reference to find Java formulations of familiar data structures and/or functionality
C. Copy the final code (i.e. that passes 100% of the test-cases) into a Microsoft Word document (no Libre, pls) with your added/changed code bolded.
D. Provide a pseudocode/explanation of the entire solution. Be sure to discuss what the bolded section(s) accomplished
E. In addition, provide an active link (for each of your test-cases!) to the playback-video of your running code (for projects with graphical feedback).
- The semi-triangular, three-node networking icon in the taskbar along the bottom of the graphical viewscreen allows you to extract a permanent web-link to a stored playback of your current code. Clicking it will open a new browser-tab with the permanent weblink in the address-bar.
- You can create active Hyperlinks in your Word doc by attaching the link-address to a word or phrase, much as you would in a webpage
Codingame Projects
Part I
Implement the following projects in Java on
Classic Puzzle -- Medium:
A. Stock Exchange Losses
B. Mars Lander - Level 2
Replay (Success) Case 1
Replay (Success) Case 2
Replay (Success) Case 3
Replay (Success) Case 4
Replay (Success) Case 5
For each project:
1. Carefully read the problem description, and generate Java code to solve it.
2. Copy the entirety of your final code (i.e. that passes all of the test cases) from the CodinGame code-window into a Word doc with your added/changed code bolded.
(That is, I should be able to copy/paste your code into my code-window and run it to replay your results)
Indicate your final percentage-score according to the website. If it is less than 100%, indicate why this might be so.
3. Provide a short but complete pseudocode for each provided solution.
4. (Mars Lander) As in HW1, provide playback-links for each test-case
5. (Mars Lander) Note the table below displaying the NASA Minimum Fuel-Performance Requirements for your Mars Lander code . These show the minimum amount of fuel your lander should have left by the end of each listed test-case. Include 1) a table, and 2) a line-graph of your code's fuel performance compared to the NASA Minimums (as illustrated in the rubric/graph below). (Note: you should get your final fuel-performance data from the output displayed in the playback-links you listed in #4 above) (Note2: the example graph displays four line-series, but yours will only display two: NASA's results, and yours)