Generate a table with the results as shown in the example

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132356236


Exercise 1

When getting into a fitness program, you may want to figure out your target heart rate so you don't overexert yourself. The Karvonen heart rate formula is one method you can use to determine your rate. run program that prompts for your age and your resting heart rate. Use the Karvonen formula to determine the target heart rate based on a range of intensities from 55% to 95%. Generate a table with the results as shown in the example output (format matters). The formula is

TargetHR = (((220 - age) - restingHR) * intensity) + restingHR

Example Output

Resting Pulse: 65 Age: 22

Intensity | Rate


55% | 138 bpm

60% | 145 bpm

65% | 151 bpm

: : (extra lines omitted)

85% | 178 bpm

90% | 185 bpm

95% | 191 bpm

Exercise 2

Run a code that the Guess the Number game that has three levels of difficulty. The first level of difficulty would be a number between 1 and 10. The second difficulty set would be between 1 and 100. The third difficulty set would be between 1 and 1000.

Prompt for the difficulty level, and then start the game. The computer picks a random number in that range and prompts the player to guess that number. Each time the player guesses, the computer should give the player a hint as to whether the number is too high or too low. The computer should also keep track of the number of guesses. Once the player guesses the correct number, the computer should present the number of guesses and ask if the player would like to play again.

Example Output

Let's play Guess the Number.

Pick a difficulty level (1, 2, or 3): 1

I have my number. What's your guess? 1

Too low. Guess again: 5

Too high. Guess again: 2

You got it in 3 guesses!

Play again? n


Reference no: EM132356236

Questions Cloud

Describe the use of stock options in compensation plan : Briefly describe the use of stock options in a compensation plan. What are some potential problems with stock options as a form of compensation?
Identify other research that pertains to your own : This assignment will be one of several throughout the Ph.D. program that we use to help you prepare for the dissertation process. One of the core competencies.
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a distance : Write a program that Prompts the user to enter a distance in kilometers. And uses an internal function that you create to convert kilometers to miles.
What is the critical path for the project : Construct a network schedule (Gantt chart) in Microsoft® Project 2013 for the stadium project, using the information provided in the case.
Generate a table with the results as shown in the example : Prompt for the difficulty level, and then start the game. The computer picks a random number in that range and prompts the player to guess that number.
What is operations management and what are its uses : What is Operations Management and What are its uses?
How the case was resolved with references : Use the web or other resources to research at least two criminal or civil cases in which recovered files played a significant role in how the case was resolved.
Write a function to return the reverse complement of a dna : In the DNA double helix, two strands twist together and "face" each other. The two strands are reverse-complementary, i.e., reading one strand.
Assess the application of visualization techniques : Your readings in this unit, along with the two sources that you locate on decision making using visualizations in complex systems ( you may use our library).


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