Generate a sample of the exponential distribution

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131240902

Project - Simulation in Finance

Use the inverse transforms method to generate a sample of the exponential distribution with parameter θ, which is given by its density


where θ is a positive parameter, that is θ > 0.

Provide the following in LATEX-format in a pdf-file:

1. The cumulative distribution function F (including derivation).

2. Its inverse, F-1 (with proof).

3. For the particular choices θ = 2 and 10, create histograms for sample sizes n = 100, 1,000, and 10,000. Explain what you expect to see and what you actually see. Give a justification if there is a difference between your expectation and what you actually see.

4. For an exponential distributed random variable X, calculate the theoretical mean,

μ = E[X],

and variance

σ2 = E[X - μ)2] = E[X2] -E[x]2.

5. Use a sample of the exponential distribution to estimate μ and σ2. Using these estimations to write down the 66.66%, the 90%, and the 99% asymptotical confidence interval for the estimate of μ. Do all of this for the sample sizes n = 100, 1, 000, and 10, 000. Explain what you expect to see and what you actually see. Give a justification if there is a difference between your expectation and what you actually see.

6. The Matlab code.

Write up your results (written in LATEX in a pdf-file) (about 2-5 pages) and hand this in together with your used computer programme(s).

Reference no: EM131240902

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