Generate a random data set in Excel

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132617332

There are two parts to this Discussion. Address both parts in one discussion post.

Part A: What is your experience with Excel? Have you used it before? Do you use it at work or at home? Have you used it to do statistical analyses? If you are proficient with Excel, make sure to provide help to anyone who is having difficulty with the program.

Part B: View this video to learn how to generate a random data set in Excel. Then using the Unit 1 Discussion Excel workbook, generate your random data set. The data set you create will represent the IQs of a sample of 30 people. Using the data set that you generated in Excel and the Data Analysis Toolpak (see video on adding the Toolpak in the Live Binder), calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, range, minimum, and maximum.

Then answer the following questions: Insert your descriptive statistics output from Excel within your response (see How to Use A Snipping Tool video in the Live Binder). What do the following measures of center tell us about the IQs in the data set (be specific and include the values in your discussion - up to 3 decimal places): (i) mean (ii) median (iii) mode? Does the mean appear to be similar or different from the median? Why do you think that is so? What is the standard deviation (give the actual value - up to 3 decimal places), and what does it tell us about the IQs in the data set? How might the information in this data set be useful?

Please create personalized and substantive responses to at least two other student main posts. In your responses, suggestions include the following: What similarities and/or differences do you notice in your sample results and your classmate''s results? Do you think both of your samples most likely came from the same population or different populations, and why?

Reading Overview

The Reading for Unit 1 provides an overview of the different ways to collect data and the different ways to classify data. In addition, you will learn to calculate numerical summaries to describe a dataset. The topics for this unit on descriptive statistics set the stage for understanding later concepts in inferential statistics. Learning about statistics helps you read and understand the work of other psychologists, do your own research if you so choose, and hone both your reasoning and intuition skills.

What is statistics? Think of statistics as a tool that allows people to think critically about numbers or data. Remember when you were in elementary school and had to do a science assignment using the scientific method? Statistics is a collection of scientific methods used to reach reasonable conclusions about hypotheses or research ideas based on data.

If possible, complete the Unit 1 Reading before attending the Seminar. It is a good idea to keep a notebook handy and record any new definitions or concepts you encounter while reading. Try each Skill Builder in the textbook as you learn new concepts and check your solutions. Watch the video tutorials to help you visually process the material. To be successful in this class, you will learn some new vocabulary and you will learn to think critically about data and statistical studies.


Reference no: EM132617332

Questions Cloud

Explain the concept of utility and rationality with examples : How do governments intervene to minimize the impact of market failures?
How the might be applied in your future career : What are some examples of how this might be applied in your future career? Include an example or two from current events that demonstrates the use of vagueness.
Describe four modifications of the bureaucratic structure : Describe four modifications of the bureaucratic structure: matrix structure; flat structures; downsizing and outsourcing; and the horizontal structure.
Why firms in perfectly competitive markets are price takers : Explain why firms in perfectly competitive markets are price takers? Why is the price equal to the marginal revenue under perfectly competitive market condition
Generate a random data set in Excel : What is your experience with Excel? Have you used it before? Do you use it at work or at home? Have you used it to do statistical analyses
Explain how equilibrium price and quantity change : Illustrate and explain how equilibrium price and quantity change when either the supply or demand curve shifts:
What is the lowest unit selling price that could be charged : What is the lowest unit selling price that could be charged for the F-27 model and still make it economically desirable for Flint to add the new product line?
How the programs impact the population : State how these programs impact the population. Identify services provided in the Peoria Illinois area (i.e., migrant health clinics, Indian health services).
Evaluating the global marketplace in the future : What are the considerations that you need to be aware of to remain competitive? How do you plan on evaluating the global marketplace in the future?


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