Reference no: EM131956175 , Length: word count:750
General Psychology Mini paper Writing Assignment -
Assignment Overview - Over the course of your General Psychology experience, you have learned (and will learn) about lots of different topics, concepts, research studies and experiments in psychology. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to reflect, in writing, about a few of the topics that you have enjoyed learning about. In addition, these topics may have made an impression on you (positively or negatively), and you may have found that you can not only relate to them, but you can also apply them in your everyday life experience(s). The purpose of this paper is to satisfy critical thinking, writing, information literacy, and technological competencies.
To complete this assignment, you will select a total of three (3) topics overall, (including concepts, research studies, and psychology experiments) that we discussed and are found in your textbook. Some of these concepts/topics/research studies and psychology experiments appear on the list below. Your paper will accurately reflect what the topic/concept/research study/psychology experiment was about. See Specifics of the assignment - next page.
Concept/Topic/Research Study/Psychology Experiment Choice: (Just a few covered so far; there will be many more!)
- Confidentiality (As used in research)
- Brain Trauma (In the NFL/other domain)
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Classical Conditioning (Concept only - or Pavlov's experiment, for example)
- Classical Conditioning (Concept only- or John B. Watson's experiment, for example)
- Operant Conditioning
- Naturalistic Observation
- Any aspect of Freud's "Psychoanalysis" (This is broad - you will have to be specific)
- Acute stressor
- Chronic Stressor
- Eustress
- Bystander Effect (As used in Psychology)
- Social loafing
- Internal Locus of Control and/or External Locus of Control
- The Milgram Study
- The Tuskegee Experiment
- Tarasoff vs. Board of Regents - Univ. of California ("Duty to Warn" clause)
- A concept of your own choosing, from our text. (You must get prior approval)
Your middle paragraphs contain the following:
(a) Complete definition and explanation of the concept/topic/study/ experiment
(b) Real-life example of the concept/topic/study/experiment.
(c) Description of what was learned from the concept/topic/study/experiment.
(d) Description of how the new knowledge for the concept/topic etc. will be applied to your everyday life or how it could be applied to someone else's life.
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