General fraudulent practices

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM1346827

After you answer each question you must also explain whether your answer affects corporations and individuals positively or negatively. Please number your answer to match each question number.

1. What measures do you have in place to help your organization fight fraud?
2. How, if at all, does your organization engage in a systematic fraud prevention readiness self-assessment?
3. What are the processes of reporting bank fraud to appropriate authorities?
4. To what extent could bank customers lose their confidence in banks for fraud?
5. Would a bank sales representative's pressure on an investor to invest more and more not be a legitimate cause for fraud alert?
6. How may bank customers recognize warning signs of bank fraud?
7. Why would a bank employee want to commit bank fraud?
8. How proactive are bank management teams to identify bank fraud before it happens?
9. In the context of fraud, to what extent is reputation important to a banking organization?
10. How can a bank grow under the yoke of fraudulent practices?
11. How can a bank's existing and new customers avoid bank fraud?
12. Does fraud at one bank affect other banks, their employees and customers?
13. To what extent are bank customers secure when accessing your accounts using your bank's online services?
14. How may bank customers contribute to fraud prevention and avoidance?
15. How do bank management teams control potential factors of bank fraud?
1. To the best of your knowledge, how does money laundering work?
2. How can connections between money laundering and bank fraud be established?
3. By what means would you find out if money were being laundered through your bank?
4. Do you feel that money laundering has any effect on the nation's economy?
5. Organized crime appears to profit from money laundering. What is your establishment doing to deter perpetrators of such criminal acts from choosing your bank to launder their money through?
6. Do weapons exist that might enable banks to intercept complicated and networked financial fraud in process within and outside the finance sector?
7. Does your bank have in place any observation systems that might signal the brewing of financial fraud among your employees, customers and multi-parties?
1. How tamper-proof are bank checks?
2. If a customer has received a bad check, how may he or she handle it?
3. How does pursuing criminal prosecution on a bad check work?
4. Are there situations in which bad check might legally be collected on?
5. Under what circumstances could arrest warrant be issued on a person responsible for writing a bad check?
6. When is writing a bad check considered to be a felony? ONLINE AND ATM BANKING 1. In your own words, what is the meaning of banking fraud? 2. Who are the people involved in banking fraud? 3. What kinds of cards do clients normally hold? Debit? Credit? 4. How can you describe the frequency of client deposits and withdrawals in their account? 5. Are their circumstances under which depositors might not get their deposit ticket/receipt? 6. How secure is the PIN (personal identification number)? 7. How does your bank support clients who perform their banking transactions from devices? 8. Do clients keep track of their account balances every time they use the card issued to them by your bank? 9. How does your bank monitor the behavior of each online banking customer? 10. Does your bank train its clients in detecting bank fraud? 11. Do clients use checkbooks? If yes, how secure is it? 12. Could banking card frequency of use be directly or indirectly associated with any potentials for fraud? 13. To what extent is antivirus software effective in assisting your bank and its customers to combat fraud? 14. Could less online banking and online shopping reduce bank fraud? 15. How may a bank improve its processes based on financial fraud experienced by it or by other banks?
16. ATM (Automated Telloer Machines) and debit cards are being targeted by criminals using skimming/cloning devices. What is your bank doing to protect customers against this type of fraud? 17. How do you feel about placing warning signs on ATMs to help customers be able to spot skimming/cloning devices? 18. How do customers protect their ATM PIN?
1. Is your bank obliged to help its customers who fall victim to identity theft? How may your bank help such customers to clear their names?
2. How does your bank's fraud preventive systems protect its customers from becoming potential victims of identity theft?
3. Identity theft is a type of bank fraud that thousands of individuals fall victim to every year. Do you feel that it is time for stiffer punishment to be placed on the perpetrators of these particular type of financial crime?
4. In recent years, white collar crimes have been on the rise. This type of bank fraud is generally harder to spot. Are the employees at your bank receiving additional training to help them be able to better identify this type of fraud?
5. There is a type of bank fraud called "phishing" or e-mail scamming. Criminals attempt to gain personal information from customers over the internet by using actual banks as fronts for their illegal activities. How well is your establishment prepared to combat this type of crime?
6. There have been instances where thieves have been able to hack into the vital records of banks. How can you assure your customers that their banking and personal information is safe?

Reference no: EM1346827

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