Gene expression

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131734

Question 1. Acetylation of key proteins is known to correlate with the gene expression in eukaryotes. What class of chromatin proteins is changed? What is the chemical nature of the acetylation that accounts for the alternation in a physical and structural sense? What features-interactions of DNA are altered? How could one check segments of DNA in genes that were altered due to this phenomenon? What is the link between the modification and DNA sequence specificity?

Question 2. Compare and contrast gene expression in prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes from the standpoint of promoter sequences, complexes and RNA polymerase(s). What features are shown in each that are distinct? What proteins, other than RNA polymerases are involved? What is known about the mechanism and ordering of gene expression in eukaryotes that takes it distinct from prokaryotic systems? Be specific, complete and structurally oriented in your answer as possible.

Question 3. Gene inactivation correlates with methylation of DNA. What are the chemical and structural features of this process? How do pleuripotent cells differ from tumor cells in terms of the degree of methylation? Will you rationalize these differences in terms of known biochemical processes thought to be involved in the normal elimination of cells for the benefit of the organism?

Reference no: EM131734

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