Reference no: EM13505922
Gender Stratification
Describe the system of gender stratification in the U.S.
Using the film Southern Comfort (You Tube), discuss how gender is socially constructed.
Discuss what the film suggests about the relationship between each of the following?
Biological sex
Gender identity
Gender roles
Sexual orientation
Using the "The Wage Gap by Race and Gender," discuss how the gender gap in pay maintains male domination in the workplace and in the home.
Using the concept of gender segregation in jobs, discuss why Latinas earn the least.
Using the interview with Lilly Ledbetter, discuss the impact of women's unequal pay.
Discuss how the unequal division of labor in the home benefits men.
Using the excerpts of interviews with feminists of color, discuss how race and gender intertwine to shape the experience of women of color.
As we explore the concept of deviance
: As we explore the concept of deviance, we must accept that there are issues of deviance that are time sensitive. They were deviant then but not now. Think of some forms of deviance that you have seen become mainstream in your lifetime. Is this a g..
Issue which pertains to the scope of changing cities
: hat are the impacts of Gentrification and how does it affect cities and its people? Give some examples like San Francisco or silicon Valley
Borrow more money to cover their existing debt
: You are right about the World Bank allowing the developiing countries to borrow more money to cover their existing debt. I think that once southern countries build up large external debts, as most have, they cannot get credit or cash anywhere else..
Define both patriarchy and feminism
: Using bell hooks' Feminism is for Everybody, discuss the following issues concerning the system of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy and how to change it. Define both patriarchy and feminism
Gender stratification problem
: Describe the system of gender stratification in the U.S. Using the film Southern Comfort (You Tube), discuss how gender is socially constructed.
Race and ethnic stratification
: Discuss the racial stratification system in the of the idea that some racial-ethnic groups are at the bottom because they have been colonized and other racial ethnic groups are in the middle because they are immigrants while whites are at the top ..
Discuss how colonialism created global stratification
: Discuss how colonialism created global stratification between rich countries and poor countries, using the film Rabbit-Proof Fence.
Describe the social class system
: Describe the Social class system in the U.S.
Social movement process model
: Use the social movement process model to explain why a single act can start a social movement?