Reference no: EM132276766
Complete a “hip hop manifesto” as a form of extended introduction to other students, as well as a statement of their values regarding the intersections of race, gender & sexuality in global hip hop culture.
The hip hop manifesto should include reflection on/incorporate the assigned readings/media for the first three weeks of class in a creative way; it must include at least one assigned reading/media from each week (total of three sources).
1. The manifesto should thoroughly reflect student understandings of race, gender, sexuality and global hip hop at the three-week point of the semester.
2. State your goals for the semester, specifically in regard to the Hip Hop Pedagogy project: what is the problem you want to address or the change you hope to make from a personal perspective? Also, state which artist(s) you are planning (or thinking about) focusing on. AND MAKE SURE TO WRITE THIS DOWN IN THE COLLABORATIONS DOCUMENT CALLED "HIP HOP PEDAGOGY PROJECT"
3. Students will state why they selected this topic, based upon previous experiences, research interests, and identities/affiliations.