Reference no: EM132934865
TOPIC: Locate an article concerning the future of computer sciences or computer technology
A large portion of our computing professional careers is invested in reading and reviewing technical articles. It is a critical skill for us to learn how to read these articles and look for and extract critical elements that will add to our knowledge.
Each module/week, check the the assignments instructions for Article Reviews. This is where you will find the assigned topics. Following that, complete the tasks below. Use the Article Reviews Template to prepare your Article Review. Submit your Article Review via the assignment submission link.
Approximate Time (all times are approximate):
1. Article Selection-1 hour (if it takes more that this you are looking too hard)
2. Article 1st read-30 minutes
3. Article Critical Read with note taking-1hour
4. Article Review Template construction
a. If you completed items 2 and 3 above-30 minutes
b. If you did not complete 2 and 3 above-3 hours
1. Select a peer-reviewd article-generally one that has an author and date. Blogs would not be acceptable.
2. Select a relevant topic-Topics are identified in the instructions contained in the weekly Assignment Folders
a. Remember, Wikipedia is not a valid source, however, it is a potential search tool as it lists peer reviewed articles in the bibliographic section
3. After completing your Article Review, submit it to the assignment submission link found in the module Assignments Folder
b. The Bibliographic Reference at the top of the template must contain the proper APA reference for only the article being reviewed
c. If you use external references in your narrative they must be added to the end and properly contain both in-text citations and References citations-in APA format
d. Attach the Word file (properly named) in the assignment link
4. Do not quote from the article. Instead, summarize and paraphrase. You must use your own words.
Grading Tips:
2. Be sure to review the criteria on the Article Reviews Grading Rubric prior to beginning this assignment.
3. To maximize your grade on this assignment
a. Submit on time
b. Select a good article on the assigned topic
c. Respond to all template areas with complete and proper paragraphs
d. Use the template correctly
i. Remove highlighted areas
ii. Save by correct name
iii. Do not change the general format
e. Check Spelling and grammar
Attachment:- Article Reviews Instructions.rar