Reference no: EM133351756
Computer and Network Security
Component A - Portfolio 1 of Lab Work
Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate critical understanding of the mechanisms used to maintain network security.
Learning outcome 2: Have a deep and integrated understanding of selected key topics at the forefront of this field, including recent developments and outstanding issues.
Learning outcome 3: Have practical and analytical skills to keep abreast of future developments in networking and computer.
Learning outcome 4: Undertake practical work that explores techniques covered in this module and provide deep analysis on their findings.
Learning outcome 5: Undertake and report on a detailed practical investigation at a professional standard.
Broadly speaking the submission requires you to complete two practical labs and submit these as part of a work-based portfolio. One lab report will culminate with a small research piece into a real-world case study involving the security topic discussed in the lab. These lab reports will cover a variety of Computer and Network Security topics and concepts covered in the syllabus.
The two specific labs will be released at specific points during the semester as detailed in Table 1.
Network Traffic Analysis and Crypto Lab
Concepts learnt regarding the network traffic analysis from the Preparing to Study work, and subsequent lab sessions can be applied to the Network Traffic Analysis lab. Concepts from the 4 cryptology lectures and labs will be applied in the second lab worksheet.
Attachment:- Computer and Network Security.rar