Fundamental reasons for succes - zara

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131171095 , Length: 10

Case study - Project - ZARA

Assessment Task Details:

After reading the case study uploaded on the subject web site, prepare a 2300- 2500 word report analysing the issues in the case, and identify logistics management strategies that enable Zara (page 71 in the text) to become so successful. Contrast this with Dell and Myer and a top 500 listed company on the Fortune 500.

In your report you need to consider :

The Fundamental reasons for success, with a comparison to another successful and an unsuccessful company?

How can Zara maintain its competitive advantage, here the concept of sustainability may be introduced?

Are there similarities between Zara Dells and Myers formula for success and could this be suitable for other companies and if so explain why, if not explain why?

Please follow up in Academic text book citation in harvard minimum of 8 and refrences too.

Attachment:- case.pdf

Reference no: EM131171095

Questions Cloud

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8/19/2016 6:04:03 AM

Hi there i have attached the case study and my question regarding case study. please follow up in Academic text book citation in Harvard minimum of 8 and references too. while explaining can you put heading so that i can make table of content by my own .

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