Reference no: EM132191680
1. On the interval (0,1], consider the differential equation ty' + y = q(t) where q ∈ C((0,1]) and limt→0 + q(t) = M. Show that the DE has a unique solution x*(t) satisfying the condition limsupt→o+lx*(t)| < +∞.
2. Let u ∈ C(R+; R+) be a nonegative function satisfying the inequality
u(t) ≤ q(t) + 0∫tp(s)u(s) ds for t > 0,
where p, q ∈ C(R+;R+). Show that u admits an estimate
u(t) ≤ q(t) + 0∫texp (s∫t p(τ) dτ) p(s)u(s) ds for t > 0.
Furthermore, if q is a monotonically increasing function, u admits the estimate
u(t) ≤ q(t) exp (0∫t p(s) ds), fort > 0.
3. Show that the differential equation y' = 2 sin2 t y + cos t has a unique periodic solution and find it.
4. Is the differential system:
x' = -2x - y + z
y' = x - z
z' = -x - y
5. Prove that no solution of the equation y' = t + y2 can be extended on the infinite interval 0 < t < +∞.
6. Determine if the zero solution of the following scalar DE asymptotically stable/stable but not asymptotically stable or unstable:
(a) y' = y2
(b) y'' + 2ky' + y = 0, with k > O.
(c) What happens if either k < 0 or if k = 0 in problem (b).
7. Prove that if
A(t) 0∫t A(τ) dτ = (0∫t A(τ) dτ) A(τ) for t ∈ I
X (t) = exp (0∫t A(τ) dτ)
is a fundamental matrix of the system y' = A(t)y.
8. In the interval [1, ∞), consider y' = (sin(In t) + cos(ln t) - μ)y where 1 < µ < (1 - e(-Π/2))-1. Show that the zero solution of this equation is asymptotically stable.