Functions to compute stress and strain in steel rod

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM1354776

Write a main function and the following functions to compute the stress and strain in a steel rod of diameter D (inches) and the length L (inches) subject to the compression loads P of 10,000 to 1,000,000 pounds in increments of 100,000 pounds. The modulus of elasticity E for steel is 30 X 106. A function to compute the stress from the formulas Stress f =P/A Where A=prD^2 / 4.0 A function to compute the strain from the formulas Elongated or shortened length ?L=fL/E Strain e=?L/L=f/E A function to output the stress and strain at different loads of P. 

Formatting instructions:required to write three functions: stress, strain, and output. 
The stress function takes two parameters ( load & diameter ) and uses these values to compute and return a single value representing the amount of stress. 

The strain function takes only a single parameter ( which is the stress value computed by the stress function ) and computes and returns the correct strain value. 

The output function takes three parameters (the load, stress, and strain ) and simply outputs each of these to the screen in a presentable format. 

The main program is what "calls" each of the functions.You are required to present what the stress and strain values would be for multiple samples of loads. Thus, your main program should loop through each required load value. Each loop iteration should call each of the three functions above. (Note: the length value is not required to calculate the result ) 

Output should look as follows: 
Enter diameter and length of rod: 10 10 

Load Stress Strain 
10000 127.323936 0.000004 
110000 1400.563354 0.000047 
210000 2673.802734 0.000089 
310000 3947.042236 0.000132 
410000 5220.281738 0.000174 
510000 6493.520996 0.000216 
610000 7766.760254 0.000259 
710000 9040.000000 0.000301 
810000 10313.239258 0.000344 
910000 11586.478516 0.000386 

Reference no: EM1354776

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