Functions and advantages for frequent travellers

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133515879

Marriott Bonvoy

Can you search and investigate Marriott Bonvoy Travel Program and explain the functions and advantages for frequent Travellers?

Below is the information regarding Salesforce CRM program and its functionality in the hospitality industry.

Write bullet points of the similarities between Marriott Bonvoy program and How Sales force services.

Salesforce, a popular customer relationship management (CRM) platform, is widely used in the hospitality industry to enhance guest experiences, streamline operations, and improve overall customer satisfaction. Here are some common references to Salesforce in the hospitality sector:

Guest Relationship Management: Salesforce helps hotels and resorts manage guest relationships by centralizing guest data, preferences, and interactions in a single platform. This enables personalized communication, targeted marketing campaigns, and tailored service offerings to enhance guest experiences and build loyalty.

Reservation and Booking Management: Salesforce can integrate with reservation and booking systems, allowing hotels to manage room inventory, reservations, and guest check-ins/outs efficiently. This integration provides a comprehensive view of guest information and enables real-time updates across multiple channels.

Reference no: EM133515879

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