Functioning program that addresses behavioural design

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131035925

Assignment: Flight Management System

Objectives: On successful completion of this assignment you should have demonstrated that you are able to:

Write a program that provides the requested functionality.

Use suitable relational expressions to selectively run different parts of code.

Apply the principles of encapsulation and information hiding to ensure that classes have appropriate attributes and appropriate methods to access and manipulate the attributes and to ensure object state is always sensible and enforced.

Write methods that accept parameters and which return values as a result of their execution.

Choose the most appropriate scope for identifiers.

Write code to implement simple association and/or composition relationships and write a program consisting of multiple objects which interact with each other.

Distribute responsibilities appropriately across classes by applying a range of quality design practices.

Write a text menu-based interactive driver to provide the user an appropriate way to control program operation at runtime.

Declare, instantiate and use ArrayList objects and/or arrays.

Implement a data management façade class including provision of a facility to search against criteria.

Draw a class diagram showing the relationships between classes

Tasks to Complete-

Task-1: Plan your program

Consider the functional and additional design requirements, and determine which classes you will need to implement. In the Word document, write a short description of the role/purpose of each class that you have in your program - please sort them in alphabetic order by class name. Draw a class diagram showing the relationship between different classes in your system. (Note: this could be drawn by hand and photographed using your mobile phone to make it digital, as long as it is legible when included in the Word document).

Task-2: Code a functioning program that addresses the behavioural and additional design requirements

Write the classes that you have determined are needed to make a functioning program. The program should be a text-menu based program, meaning that after the initial setting up of the system, it should present the user with a list of options of what action they would like to perform next, and then does the corresponding action, looping this until the user chooses to exit the program. You
should aim to write code following high quality coding practices that have been taught in this course this semester - including comments and exhibiting good design where code is separated into separate methods.

Task-3: Ensure all supplementary documentation is complete.

Go through you Word document and make sure that everything required to be included, has actually been included and is complete.

Attachment:- Flight Management System.rar

Reference no: EM131035925

Questions Cloud

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Functioning program that addresses behavioural design : ITECH2100 / ITECH6100. Task-2: Code a functioning program that addresses the behavioural and additional design requirements Write the classes that you have determined are needed to make a functioning program
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Case study - noncompliance : Read the article, "Alarm Fatigue Sets Off Bells: Mass. Incident Highlights Need for Protocols Check" in regards to noncompliance. In a 2 to 3 page paper, discuss the following:
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