Reference no: EM131856091
Exercise 1 Evaluate the two example circuits presented in the first section of this handout for some assignment of the variables to values 1, 0.
Exercise 2 Design the circuit for the following formula: f(x, y, z, w) = w.(x + (y . (z + ¬x )). Then evaluate the circuit for the following assignments:
- the circuit with output w is open;
- the circuit with output z is closed;
- the circuit with output y is closed;
- the circuit with output x is open.
Exercise 3 Describe in some detail the components and functioning of the von Neumann architecture.
Exercise 4 What is the total number and what are the operations of the EDVAC?
Exercise 5 Go the Von Neuman Architecture Simulator. Load the file for subtraction.
- Set the delay time to 2500ms, this will allow you to see the operations performed by the architecture in a slow time performance
- Set the Program Counter to +1, this is the number of instructions per-formed at each step
- Load two values, for variables X and Y
- Hit the Step button to see the first instruction; when the machine halts, it has finished the first operation, you will need to hit Step again to perform the second one and so on
- Complete the program execution
Run few instances of this program with different values and write down in detail the functioning as you see it working.
Exercise 6 Do the same as above with the file number_is_even.vnsp.
Exercise 7 Explain the different interpretations of the stored program con- cept illustrated in this chapter.
Exercise 8 In which way the Church-Turing thesis differs from the Principles 1-2 formulated above?
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