Functioning java application.

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13764147

I. Your final project must be a complete and functioning Java application.

2. The user interface must use Swing components and include menu items incorporating all necessary event handling.

3. Your application should include all necessary exception handling.

4. You application should include one or both of the following:
a. Saving and reading data from/to files
b. A Java technology not covered in this class. Examples:
         i. Incorporate a web browser in your application
         ii. Add 3D graphics to your application
         iii. Add network features to your application
         iv. Create a multithreaded application
         v. Add multimedia to your application

I. Animation
2. Sound
3. Movies
         vi. See Sun's Java web site for other technologies

5. Project proposals are due May 21
a. All proposals must be approved by me
b. Proposals must include the new technology you plan to incorporate in your application and a general description of what the project will entail..

Reference no: EM13764147

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