Reference no: EM132926024
Functional Analysis Assignment
Question 1. (a) Let H be a Hilbert space and M1, M2 two vector subspaces of H. Prove that
M1⊥ ∩ M2⊥ = (M1 = (M1 + M2)⊥.
Recall that M1 +M2 := {m1 +m2 |m1 ∈ M1, m2 ∈ M2}.
(b) Suppose that H is a Hilbert space and P ∈ £(H) such that P2 = P and P = P*. Show that P is an orthogonal projection.
(c) Let α = (αk)k≥1 be a bounded sequence in C. Let 1 < p < ∞ and let T: lP → lP be defined by Tx := (αkxk)k≥1 for all complex sequences x = (xk)k≥1 ∈ lP.
(i) Determine the spectrum of T.
(ii) Show that T is compact if and only if α ∈ c0.
Question 2. (a) Let (a, b) ⊆ R be a bounded open interval. Let
S:= {u:(a, b) --> R ||u||L < ∞},
||u||L := supt,s∈(a,b) |u(t) - u(s)|/|t-s|
(i) Show that every u ∈ S is bounded.
(ii) Decide whether or not ||.||L defines a norm on the set S.
(iii) Define E:= {u : (a, b) -> R | ||u|| < ∞), where ||u||:= ||u||∞ + ||u||L show that (E, ||.||) is a complete normed vector space. You may use that B ((a, b)) is complete with respect to the supremum norm.
(b) Let E be a Banach space and (Tα)α∈A a family of linear operators in £(E). Assume that
supα∈A l<f , Tαx>) | < ∞
for all f ∈ E' and all x ∈ E. Show that supα∈A||T||£(E)< ∞
Question 3. (a) Suppose that E and F are Banach spaces with duals E' and F'. Let T: E -> F and S: F' -> E' be linear operators such that (S f,x) = (f,Tx) for all x ∈ E and all f ∈ F'. Show that T ∈ L(E,F).
(b) Define the map T: l1 -> l1 by
Tx =T(x1,x2,.. ):= (0,x1,x2/2,x3/3, x4/4, ....)
for all x = (xk)k≥1 ∈ l1, that is, Tx = (Yk)k≥1 with y = 0 and yk+1 = Xk/k if k ≥ 1.
(i) Show that T ∈ L(l1) and determine the operator norm ||T"||£(l1) for all n ∈ N.
(ii) Find the spectrum of T.