Functional abstraction

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13725931

Question 1: What are some of the benefits of modularity?

Question 2: What is functional abstraction?

Question 3: What is information hiding?

Question 4: What are the three types of operations on a data collection?

Question 5: What is data abstraction?

Question 6: What is an abstract data type (ADT)?

Question 7: What is a data structure?

Question 8: What is an axiom?

Question 9: What is a constructor?

Question 10: When and how are initializers used?

Question 11: Under what circumstance is a compiler-generated default constructor created?

Question 12:Define the client of a class?

Question 13: What is a superclass?

Question 14: What is the purpose of an exception?

Question 15: What is the difference between the physical size of an array and its logical size?

Reference no: EM13725931

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