Fullilove indicates the spreading loss of housing

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Reference no: EM133513180


1. These type of ties Granovetter wrote about are useful in getting jobs or housing


strong ties

weak ties


2. Fullilove noted that elites in the Commonwealth Project in Roanoke, much like elsewhere in the country, used this term, to identify an area to destroy the homes and businesses for newer ones.

burn index




3. This type of social capital brings together people who know each other already.

bonding capital

schocastic social capital

latent social capital

bridging social capital

4. These entities play a vital need in development assistance by working with bilateral and multilateral agencies

Nongovernmental Organization

supply-side theorists

bridging social capital


5. An important source of funding for out-of-school and community-school programs for youth is

Community Based Organizations

Community Development Block Grant

Grey Areas Program

International Nongovernmental Organizations

6. These theorists suggest it is better to attract, retain, and develop employers that need a skilled workforce.

spatial mismatch theorists

institutional theorists

Demand-side Theorists

supply-side theorists

7. These theories of community development look to organizational structure and support for workers and employers.

Institutional Theories

demand theorists

spatial mismatch theorists

supply-side theorists

8. This form of capital involves education, skills, experience, and similar assets.

financial capital

social capital

Human Capital Theory

physical capital

9. Hiring, training, and recruiting within a firm is known as

cultural capital

Internal Labor Market

bonding capital

spatial mismatch

10. One's social ties and connections form a particular form of capital called





11. The number of people employed divided by the total population of an area

Per Capita Income

Unemployment Rate

Labor Force Participation Rate

Gross Domestic Product

12. This is not an element of the social cultural milieu

the ideological allegiance of residents

the level of social interaction among residents

the degree to which residents work and socialize in the community

the feeling that the community is spatially distinct

13. These type of theorists explain unemployment and poverty as a function of how much each individual invests in education and skills.

structural theorists

demand theorists

symbolic theorists

supply-side theorists

14. These economic development organizations are "one-stop shop for businesses"

Local Development Corporation



surplus value

15. The overlap of roles, exchanges, or affiliations in social relationships is called

Employment Networks


field research


16. This type of social capital brings people together who don't know each other.

bridging social capital

latent social capital

bonding social capital

schocastic social capital

17. Granovetter wrote about these type of ties form our families and friends and require a lot of time and energy to build.

strong ties

vertical ties

horizontal ties

weak ties

18. The term for "lines of communication that link many potential occupants of jobs in multiple firms with employers who make decisions to fill those jobs" is

caring capacity



Employment Networks

19. The gap between the qualifications needed in an occupation versus the education/skills that workers possess is called

enterprise foundation

spatial mismatch theory

local labor market

special impact program

20. Putnam noted several trends that may have influenced declining involvement in local associations and organizations. After analysis, he found that only generational effects and _____ were the likely causes.


Residential Mobility

Increased Time Pressures

Growth of the Welfare State

21. Green and Haines call how in-synch the public is with public officials





22. This term, wrote Fullilove, is used to indicate "the strength of community" that Arleen Ollie was "profoundly" aware of.


caring capacity



23. This term by Fullilove indicates the spreading loss of housing


contagious housing destruction

burn index


24. Fullilove termed the various interconnected social webs of African American life such as churches nursing units, ushers choirs, etc. as

overlapping networks

caring capacity


human capital

Reference no: EM133513180

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