Fulfill your writing requirements and group work

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13985138

This is the forum for your discussion group for the Chapter 7 Discussion. Before you begin this work please refer to the instructions found with your first Discussion, in the syllabus, and each chapter course materials. Remember that each assignment has more than one part and that these discussions help to fulfill your writing requirements and group work for this course. Your answers should show an understanding of the material and how it relates to your experience. Remember, as well, that you are a part of a group and use this opportunity for true discussion. Good luck!


Suppose that you are the manager of an accounts receivable unit in a large company. You are switching to a new system of billing and record-keeping and need to train your three supervisors and 28 employees in the new procedures. What training method(s) would you use? Why? At least 400 words.

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Reference no: EM13985138

Questions Cloud

Problem regarding the proportion of the time : Write a computer program to simulate the queue in Exercise 20. Have your program keep track of the proportion of the time that the queue length is j for j = 0, 1, . . . , n and the average queue length. Show that the behavior of the queue length i..
Identify the tax issues facing the waylands : This would be followed by several more years of losses. They feel confident that their interest in the berry farm is a sound investment. Identify the tax issues facing the Waylands.
Compute the current in the loop : What is the current in the loop when the magnet is between 0s and 1 s? What is the current in the loop when the magnet is between 1 s and 2s?
What is the magnitude of the resulting electric field : Charge of uniform density (0.30 nC/m^2) is distributed over the xy plane, and charge of uniform density (0.40 nC/m^2) is distributed over the yz plane. What is the magnitude of the resulting electric field at any point not in either of the two cha..
Fulfill your writing requirements and group work : Suppose that you are the manager of an accounts receivable unit in a large company. You are switching to a new system of billing and record-keeping and need to train your three supervisors and 28 employees in the new procedures. What training me..
Write a paper over the movie a dangerous method : Use the book Psychology of Personality to write a paper over the movie A dangerous Method. Use Critical thinking to apply concepts talking about in the book to the movie.
Given a company pressure to meet earnings forecast : Given a company's pressure to meet earnings forecast, discuss how earnings manipulation is most likely to occur.
Define the human poverty index : A). Define the Human Poverty Index (HPI). How does it measure poverty?b). Fill in the following table using Central African countries data
Calculate mass of water in hydrated calcium sulfate salt : Calculate the percent by mass of water in the hydrated calcium sulfate salt - calculate the moles of water removed and the moles of anhydrous CaSO4 reamaining in the crucible.


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Econometrics Questions & Answers

  Design a simple econometric research project

Design a simple econometric research project

  Multiplicative decomposition method

Multiplicative decomposition method

  Market for cigarettes

The Australian government administers two programs that affect the market for cigarettes.

  Solve the forecast model

Solve the forecast model

  What are the marginal abatement cost functions

What are the marginal abatement cost functions for each of the two areas? Calculate the loss in the two areas due to over-control (for the rural area) and under-control (for the urban area).

  Write the t statistic for testing the null hypothesis

Explain why this model violates the assumption of no perfect collinearity.  Write the t statistic for testing the null hypothesis

  What is economics system

What is economics system? What are the types of economics system? Briefly explain each type of economics system by giving examples of nations that are close to each type

  Multiple choice questions related to market concentration

Determine when a competitively produced product generates negative externalities in production, the industry will,

  Calculating number of units produced by firm

Assume a company has the following production function: Q = 100 K.5 L1 . Currently, the company hires 1,000 workers and employs 100 units of capital.

  Question about mobile commerce

M-commerce also known as mobile commerce is being lumped in with several strategic internet plans. Explain some of the industries that are likely to use mobile commerce and how it is working for them.

  Calculating the average days past due and average flow time

Auto Data manufactures custom engineering testing machine. The following 5-orders are currently in the design department:

  Mechanism of an english auction and second price auction

Briefly discuss the difference between mechanism of an oral or English auction and a Vickrey or second price auction.

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