From where should he source the information for the design

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13929900

Customer volume by month

CustomerID, Month, Total shipments, Total weight

Driver performance by month

Driver ID, Month, Number of manifests on time, Number of manifests delivered late.

The team member sent you an e-mail with the following questions:

• From where should he source the information for the design?

• What difficulties would he have in writing the SQL statements for each of these tables?

• Should any of these tables be created on an as-needed basis?

• Do these summary tables violate the concept of table normalization?

Attachment:- P-3 IT_proj1.doc

Reference no: EM13929900

Questions Cloud

Describe the organisational culture or leadership style : Describe the organisational culture or leadership style within the organisation
Case - performance lawn equipment in business analytics : The questions on this exam are adapted from the Case: Performance Lawn Equipment in Business Analytics by Evans. The accompanying data was modified to fit the goals and objectives of this exam
Mention of corporate social responsibility : Look if there is a mention of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the annual report. Put it  in your draft and rephrase the wordings.
Number of complaints from customers : After the lapse of another month the company receives a number of complaints from customers who claim that the construction of their swimming pool is substantially different to what they had contracted for.
From where should he source the information for the design : Should any of these tables be created on an as-needed basis?
Any income tax consequences : (a) Advise Allan of any income tax consequences of para 1, above. (b) Citing relevant case law, explain how a hobby is to be distinguished from a business. (c) Advise Allan and Betty of any income tax implications arising in paras 2 and 3 above.
Write the standard sql query to retrieve names : write the standard SQL query to retrieve the Name and Phone Number of customers whose name begins with 'S'.
The uncertainty in its velocity : An electron has an uncertainty in its position of 499 pm
Analyse international banks risk management procedures : International banks tend to operate differently in different economies to maximise shareholders' value. Critically analyse international banks risk management procedures


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Database Management System Questions & Answers

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