From the e-activity review one of the following a blog b

Assignment Help Other Management
Reference no: EM13582640

Discussion 1: Choosing a Medium for Sharing Your Professional Work

Please respond to the following:

· From the e-Activity, review one of the following: (A) blog, (B) wiki, or (C) Web publishing site, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of publishing in the way you selected. Provide the name and URL of your selection. Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion 2: Editing for Clarity

Please respond to the following:

· Although an essay may have correct spelling and punctuation, it can cause confusion if the statements are unclear due to wordiness, clichés, non-parallel structure, etc. Locate two examples of unclear writing from the Web. Include the examples and URL. Explain the problems with clarity that the examples demonstrate.

· Explain the benefits of having others review your writing and provide feedback to you before submitting your paper to the professor (or other evaluator).

Reference no: EM13582640

Questions Cloud

Cash production costs are 500 per unit produced and each : denard shoe company has projected sales in shoes for the first part of the year as followsdenard has a desired ending
Wilton company reported net income of 40000 for the year : wilton company reported net income of 40000 for the year. during the year accounts receivable decreased by 7000
Find the maximum horizontal distance that the hole can be : a ball is hit from the ground with an innitial velocity of 25ms into the air. it is to land in a hole that is 10m
A business is operating at 90 of capacity and is currently : a business is operating at 90 of capacity and is currently purchasing a part used in its manufacturing operations for
From the e-activity review one of the following a blog b : discussion 1 choosing a medium for sharing your professional workplease respond to the followingmiddot from the
As discussed in this module it is important to have : as discussed in this module it is important to have performance measures to evaluate managers as they control resources
Tawstir corporation has 500 obsolete personal computers : tawstir corporation has 500 obsolete personal computers that are carried in inventory at a total cost of 720000. if
Falcon co produces a single product its normal selling : falcon co. produces a single product. its normal selling price is 30.00 per unit. the variable costs are 19.00 per
For its year ended december 31 2012 cupressa corporation an : 1. which of the following is not a capital asset?a. inventoryb. stocksc. a personal automobiled. golde. land2. for 2012


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