Freuds view of the unconscious with jungs view

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Reference no: EM131522456

Case of Anna O (Due Monday, Evening, by 8P.M. Eastern Standard Time, August 19th, 2013)

All Original Content.3 Pages. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Support your statements with examples. Provide a minimum of two scholarly references, And No References More Than Five (5) Years Old.

One of the very first cases that caught Freud's attention when he was starting to develop his psychoanalytic theory was that of Anna O, a patient of fellow psychiatrist Josef Breuer.

Although Freud did not directly treat her, he did thoroughly analyze her case as he was fascinated by the fact that her hysteria was "cured" by Breuer. It is her case that he believes was the beginning of the psychoanalytic approach.

Through your analysis of this case, you will not only look deeper into Freud's psychoanalytic theory but also see how Jung's neo-psychoanalytic theory compares and contrasts with Freud's theory.

Review the following:

The Case of Anna O.

One of the first cases that inspired Freud in the development of what would eventually become the Psychoanalytic Theory was the case of Anna O. Anna O. was actually a patient of one of Freud's colleagues Josef Breuer. Using Breuer's case notes, Freud was able to analyze the key facts of Anna O's case.

Anna O. first developed her symptoms while she was taking care of her very ill father with whom she was extremely close. Some of her initial symptoms were loss of appetite to the extent of not eating, weakness, anemia, and development a severe nervous cough. Eventually she developed a severe optic headache and lost the ability to move her head, which then progressed into paralysis of both arms.

Her symptoms were not solely physical as she would vacillate between a normal, mental state and a manic-type state in which she would become extremely agitated. There was even a notation of a time for which she hallucinated that the ribbons in her hair were snakes.

Toward the end of her father's life she stopped speaking her native language of German and instead only spoke in English. A little over a year after she began taking care of her father he passed away. After his passing her symptoms grew to affect her vision, a loss of ability to focus her attention, more extreme hallucinations, and a number of suicidal attempts (Hurst, 1982).

Both Freud and Jung would acknowledge that unconscious processes are at work in this woman's problems. However, they would come to different conclusions about the origin of these problems and the method by which she should be treated.

Research Freud's and Jung's theories of personality, and based on your research, respond to the following:

First, compare and contrast Freud's view of the unconscious with Jung's view and apply this case example in your explanations.

Second, on what specific points would they agree and disagree regarding the purpose and manifestation of the unconscious in the case of Anna?

Third, how might they each approach the treatment of Anna? What might be those specific interventions? How might Anna experience these interventions considering her history?

Reference no: EM131522456

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