Freedom of assembly is the ability to protest

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Reference no: EM133440907


1. Freedom of Assembly is the ability to protest but may be restricted by regulating the _____________, ______________ and ______________________of the demonstration.

2. The states hold all powers not delegated to the federal government of the United States by the ________________________________.

3. _______________________________ activity occurs within the borders of one state.

4. _______________________________ activity occurs between the borders of different states.

5. The Supreme Court ruled that laws that had an _____________________________ effect on interstate commerce were not within the power of Congress.

6. If a state law discriminates against another state or causes a burden on interstate commerce, the law will be struck down as violating the __________________________________________________________________.

7. In the case United States v. Lopez, the Supreme Court held that Congress exceeded its authority with legislation in the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 because the targeted activity did not _________________________________________________ interstate commerce.

8. In the case United States v. Lopez, the Supreme Court also held that the government failed to show a _________________________ between the regulated activity and interstate commerce.

9. The President can enter into ____________________________________________ with foreign nations without the approval of the Senate.

10. _______________________________ is the concept that a member of Congress cannot be sued if the lawsuit involves decisions made by an official in the course of their duties.

11. ___________________________________________ protects states from lawsuits in federal court unless a pattern of discrimination has been shown by Congress.

12. _______________________________ requires the person filing a lawsuit to have a personal state in the case.

13. _______________________________ requires the timing of a case to not be too early.

14. _______________________________ requires the timing of a case to not be too late.

15. _______________________________ are not allowed because it is asking the court how it would rule on a particular issue that is not yet before them.

Reference no: EM133440907

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