Reference no: EM132693670
Part I
For this task, assume you are a leader in special education. You have been asked to develop a training document to prepare staff/faculty to ensure the critical elements of IDEA are implemented for students within an educational institution of personal interest. Be sure to address these elements in the document:
Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Child Find
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Procedural Guidelines to include Due Process
Evaluation Procedures
Transition from Part C to Preschool Programs
Participation in Assessments
Discipline of Students with Disabilities
Highly Qualified Teachers
Part II
For this part of your task, review the document located under your weekly resources entitled, "Trends in Special Education Case Law: Frequency and Outcomes of Published Court Decisions 1982-2012" (Karanxha & Zirkel, 2014). Address the following questions concerning legal challenges by parents based on the requirements of IDEA for school districts to provide a free and appropriate education for their children:
What has been the frequency trend of court decisions involving IDEA?
What has been the outcome trends of court decisions involving IDEA?
As a leader in special education, what can be done to prevent possible parental legal action involving IDEA?