Framing rules work if stuffing rule to stuff zero changes

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1387620

The HDLC protocol uses flag 01111110 at start and end of frames. To prevent data bits from being confused with flags, sender stuffs zero after every 5 consecutive ones in data. We want to understand effect of following three modifications. For each modification, suppose that all other parts of framing protocol remain unchanged.

- Will framing rules work if we change stuffing rule to stuff a zero only after 6 consecutive ones? Describe.
- Will protocol work if we change stuffing rule to stuff 0 only after a zero followed by 5 consecutive ones? Describe.
- Will protocol work if we change stuffing rule to stuff a 1 only after zero followed by 6 consecutive ones? Describe.
- The protocol does work if we change stuffing rule to stuff zero after 4 consecutive ones. Describe why this is inferior to HDLC rule.


Reference no: EM1387620

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