Four parts to assignment

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM131381462


This assignment examines national economics, economic growth, and financial crisis. There are four parts to this assignment. Please be sure you have completed all four parts before submitting.


Part I

Consider a nation in which the volume of goods and services is growing by 5 percent per year:

  • Analyze the impact of the high rate of growth on the nation.
    • Predict how the high rate of growth might affect the power and influence of the national government relative to other nations experiencing slower rates of growth.
    • Predict how the 5 percent growth might affect living standards in the nation.
      • How does economic growth affect population growth?
      • Will living standards necessarily grow by 5 percent, given population growth?

Part II

  • Use the concepts of gross investment and net investment to explain the differences between an economy that has a rising stock of capital and one that has a falling stock of capital.
  • Explain how it is impossible for gross investment to be less than zero, even though net investment can be positive, negative, or zero. What real-world examples can you provide?

Part III

  • Analyze the economic disparities among countries.
    • Explain why some countries are much poorer than other countries.
    • Based on what you know and have learned about macroeconomic principles, are poorer countries destined to always be poorer than wealthy countries?
      • If so, explain why.
      • If not, explain how  poorer countries can catch up to or even surpass wealthy countries.

Part IV

  • Explain how, in general, a financial crisis can lead to a recession.
  • Explain how, in general, a major new invention can lead to an economic expansion.

Organize your assignment logically with appropriate headings and subheadings.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Include 3-4 pages, not counting title page and reference page.
  • Use at least three scholarly or professional resources.
  • Use APA format for citations and references.
  • Set your assignment in Times New Roman, 12 pt., double spaced.

Reference no: EM131381462

Questions Cloud

Linear relationship between income and percentage growth : Run a simple linear regression of these five pairs of numbers and estimate a linear relationship between income and percentage growth in wealth.
Write a program that reads one character from the user : Write a C++ program that reads one character from the user and then prints "The character you entered is a digit" if the character is one of the digits ''0'', ''1'', ''2'', . , ''9''
Why is the margin of error larger for subgroups : Why is the margin of error larger for subgroups?
Relationship between market share and product quality rating : Recently, research efforts have focused on the problem of predicting a manufacturer's market share by using information on the quality of its product.- Estimate the simple linear regression relationship between market share and product quality rati..
Four parts to assignment : This assignment examines national economics, economic growth, and financial crisis. There are four parts to this assignment. Please be sure you have completed all four parts before submitting.
What is the impact of a rise in overtime rate : Show and discuss "the mix of employees and hours of work per employee" within the framework of labor demand theory. How does it relate to firm's expenditures? How do firms decide on training expenditures? What is the impact of a rise in overtime r..
Describe the challenges faced by the client : Assessing a client's biological, psychological, and social history is a holistic approach that is an essential aspect of social work practice. Describe the challenges faced by the client(s)-for example, drug addiction, lack of basic needs, victim o..
Explain scale and substitution effects : Show graphically and explain scale and substitution effects of a rise in wage rate. Similarly, what are the effects of rise in non-wage income on leisure and number of hours worked.
Determine the cost to the government : a. Determine the cost to the government of buying firms' unsold units. b. Compute the lost social welfare (deadweight loss) that stemsfrom the $40 price floor.


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