Four goals of behavioral research

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Reference no: EM13934155

Below, write a brief description of the research that is covered in the publication.

The publication tells about various researches made in the field of autism, which is a mental disorder due to which a child finds difficulty in communication and in building relationship with people or in using the concepts of language. Starting from 1943 and till now, the article explains, how the cycle of research and practice and vice versa has affected and improved the methods of measurement of disorder of social communication in people suffering from autism. It presents the journey of changing definitions of autism from mere aloofness and repetitive abnormal behavior to the deficiency in the basic skills of communication, evident from the narrow and the repetitive behavior of children. It shows the various modules developed for measuring the symptoms of autism in children. The important role of families in such modules and thus describing behavior of autism is also shown. In the end, the recent versions of such methods, ready to be soon available in clinical practice are given.

Do you believe the research is fact or pseudoscience?

The research is a fact; the reason being the outcome of observing and experimenting, instead of believing the already existing facts as true, without supporting it through some experimental evidence, which is pseudoscience. In the present article, the whole concept of autism revolves around research and practice and vice versa. It implies that research is done not only theoretically, but is also put into practice through the observations and experiments on people. On the basis of such experiments, results are then established, which are again scrutinized during further research and then again put into practice for better results and this cycle goes on and on with improvements in the methods of measurements of symptoms of autism

Explain why you answered the previous question the way you did.  Provide at least two specific examples.

For example, a method PL-ADOS after 1995 was practically tested by making the family members participate in it and answering questions about the child.  Another example is, the modified versions of the Module 1 and Module 2 found in research are pilot tested.

Scientific research on behavior has four goals. Which of the four goals of behavioral research is your selected research article seeking to examine?

The goal of the chosen article is the description of behavior. It explains the series of developments that took place in the last 20 years, in the field of behavior and symptoms associated with autism. Apart from that, various experiments and researches are shown to have been conducted in developing improved versions of measuring this behavior in people suffering from autism. The opening line under the heading," Shifts in conceptualizing autism" of the article clearly mentions that after the 1970's, the research on autism proceeded towards the description of the behavior in three ways. The first one being, defining behavior, the second being little focus on measuring the routine functioning or diagnosis and third one, being emphasis on the development of standardized methods for description of children having autism.  Being little focus on measuring the routine functioning or diagnosis and third one, being emphasis on the development of standardized methods for description of children having autism

Explain why you answered the previous question the way you did. Provide a specific example from the article.

 Well the previous question asked to explain which of the four goals the research article I chose is describing, and of the four this particular research is description of behavior.

Write your article's APA-style reference below. Use pages 183-193 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to assist you.  

3 Assignment: Writing an Abstract

Review the article you used for the short paper in the last module for any ethics violations, stress, physical harm, confidentiality violations, or loss of privacy. Briefly describe any noted violations in an APA-style abstract (APA manual, pages 25â?"26). Construct your analysis using the APA manual as a guide (pages 11â?"17). Your submission should be between 150 and 250 words.

Reference no: EM13934155

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