Formulate and solve a linear programming model

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13540539

After graduating from Tech Julia was unable to find regular employment and approached the Director of Athletics at Tech to request that she remain a vendor of the following year. The Director was so impressed by Julia's progress and professionalism from the year before he decided to allow her to continue to be a vendor for the next season with the following conditions and changes:

Julia must do a 70:30 split of all of her profits with the Department of Athletics. Julia also has the ability to sell soft drinks. If she decide to sell soft drinks, she must agree to a 60:40 split; however, the department will not provide any monetary funding. Julia's cost for the soft drinks are 55 cents, and she sells them for two dollars. She can expect to sell just as many soft drinks as all food items combined.

Julia must sell food from two (2) booths; however, she will pay the same price as she paid for one booth during the previous season.

The department of athletics is able to use the warming ovens owned by food services at no cost since all student athletes on scholarship have a meal plan. There are three (3) warming ovens available to Julia. The warming ovens are the same capacity as those used the previous season.

Julia has the same options available for the types of food to sell however, she is able to take advantage of a discount that the school receives from the same vendor she purchased the pizza, hot dogs and sandwiches from; the discount is 20%, 20% and 30% respectively.
Due to the operation of two (2) booths, Julia must hire at least two additional persons at the same rate as previously determined.

After paying off here loans from the previous season, she has $2750.00 in savings from a part-time job at the mall, which she is able to invest in the venture. If Julia clears at least $2000.00 in profit for each game after paying all her expenses, she believes it will be worth the partnership with the Department of Athletics.

Formulate and solve a linear programming model for Julia that will help you advise her on which offer to accept from the director if any. Julia's younger brother who is a freshman at Tech wants to help Julia increase her profits by loaning her some money using his school refund check. Her brother's only requirement is that she repays him by the end of the season and he is allowed to get into the games free by posing as one of her assistants and receiving free food for him and his girlfriend. If Julia decides to take him up on his offer, how much should she borrow, if anything?

What is your recommendation to Julia?

Reference no: EM13540539

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